The spark plug gap for a 1997 Lincoln Town Car is .054.
the spark plug gap for a 1993 Lincoln Towncar is 0.050 inch. the answer is 0.050
You can find a spark plug diagram for your 1995 Lincoln Town Car 4.6 liter engine at most Lincoln dealerships. Lincoln service manuals will also have the spark plug diagram and can be found at your local library.
There wasn't a ( 1979 ) Lincoln Town Car model
Check the Vehicle Emission Control Information ( VECI ) decal located in the front of the engine compartment ( it will show the type of spark plugs to use and the spark plug gap )
Check the Vehicle Emission Control Information ( VECI ) decal located in the front of your engine compartment ( it will show what type of spark plugs to use and the spark plug gap )
A 1998 Lincoln Town Car has the Coil On Plug ( C.O.P. ) ignition system with ( 8 ) individual coils , so it doesn't have the " normal " spark plug cables
According to one of Fords websites : For a 1994 Lincoln Town Car , 4.6 ( the spark plug gap is .054 inch ) * confirm with the Vehicle Emission Control Information ( VECI ) decal located in the front of your engine compartment . It will show the type of spark plug to use and the spark plug gap
Click the link.
Looking from the front of the engine - it's the third one back on the left (passenger's) side ==================================================== Actually , the above answer is for number ( 3 ) spark plug / cylinder firewall 4 - 8 3 - 7 2 - 6 1 - 5 front of Lincoln Town Car
Open the hood and chase out the spark plug wires.