

Best Answer

The fact that you drive a Jeep Cherokee has nothing to do with your speedometer problem. The fact that you have a broken speedometer cable or sensor has everything to do with your problem. It is just about worn out. Soon it will stop working. You need to replace it. It can not be fixed.

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Q: What is making your speedometer to go up and down while you are driving your 1996 Jeep Cherokee?
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99ZX2..Your wife was driving to work this morning and she said the speedometer went to zero while driving any input would be appreciated Is it the gauge the speed sensor how should you troubleshoot?

try tracing the wiring if an electronic speedometer it might have broken by the trans.

What is the normal temperature on the gauge in a 1999 grand Cherokee while driving?

It depends on the setpoint of the thermostat.

What would cause the speedometer in a 1992 Honda Civic to drop to zero while driving down the road?

speed sensor

What are the warning signs of a bad fuel filter on a 96 Jeep Cherokee?

cutting fuel while driving

On a 92 dodge spirit why would the speedometer plummet while driving and then hop back up and plummet again?

you are changing speeds

Can someone help you please why does your speedometer goes off while you are driving your 1998 Toyota Camry?

Most likely the speed sensor is on its way out.