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Q: What is it like to work in a assembly line?
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How do interchangeable parts help the modern assembly line work?

Because it makes work easier for the people in an assembly line and there is no need to make specific tools or parts for, lets say cars and automobiles when using an assembly line.

What would a wait for input command in Assembly look like?

It would look like a line of assembly code!

How does carls jr kitchen work?

Be more specific. they have fryers, a char broiler and a grill. The burgers are made in an assembly line like process.

How do you use assembly line in a sentence?

An assembly line is a compound noun for an arrangement of workers, machines, and equipment set up in a line to complete tasks in a sequential order to produce goods. Example sentence:Most people think of Henry Ford and auto production as the example of an assembly line, but I think of the candy packaging assembly line where Lucy and Ethel attempted to work.

Why do Ribosomes act like an assembly line?

because they are in a cell

What was the assembly line technique Motown used for producing records?

The assembly-line concept used in the automobile industry was borrowed to produce the hit records at Motown.

What did Henry ford develop?

The Assembly line.

Did the invention of the assembly line improve working conditions?

I like puppies

Which of the following was not a result of the use of the assembly line?

Increased worker satisfaction and job security were not direct results of the use of the assembly line. Instead, the assembly line typically led to repetitive work, reduced job flexibility, and increased management control over workers.

What is a construction line?

It is very like an assembly line, where a product is assembled in chronological steps by many people.

What do a assembly line do?

The assembly-line manager or supervisor is only responsible for the line that he or she oversees

How does Henry Ford's assembly line affect the future assembly line?

Henry fords assembly line effected the furtures assembly line 1. because it was the roaring twentys when it happened 2. is that it got things done faster so it would help a lot in in the future 3. because it gave many people work 4. a lot of people was getting off unemployment