P0720 - Low Output SPD Sensor RPM Above 15 MPH
The relationship between the Output Shaft Speed Sensor and vehicle speed is not within acceptable limits. P0720 - Low Output SPD Sensor RPM Above 15 MPH
Output shaft speed is less than 60 rpm with vehicle speed above 15 mph (4-speed auto. trans. only).
Diagnostic code 43 in the 1997 Jeep Grand Cherokee refers to an issue with the distributor. This often causes the Jeep to stall at operating temperature.
catalytic converter circuit
Map sensor voltage low.
55 is end of message. If that is the only code you have, then there isn't a problem
P0783: 3-4 shift malfunction
Diagnostic Code 12 on a 1995 Grand Cherokee just means that your battery has been dead or disconnected within the last 50 ignition cycles.
The diagnostic code 12 51 55 is actually not a code for the 1994 Jeep Grand Cherokee Laredo. The 12 means that it has started searching for codes. The 51 is oxygen sensor stuck lean. The 55 means it is finished searching for codes. Getting this means nothing is wrong.
6???? the code should be like this ie: P0301. Please reask question with the code number..
P0123 TPS volts high. Replace the throttle position sensor.
This question does not make any sense. Please ask a new question with better info.
Codes on a 1995 Jeep are two digits long. So 5 means nothing.
O2 sensor or wiring