May be a bad trans TRS sensor. Many went bad in the 98's P1744 means TCC (Torque convertor clutch) mechanical noise or stuck in off position. Lock up type convertor.
Trouble code P1744 means: TCC system mechanically stuck in off position
Trouble code P1744 means: TCC system mechanically stuck in off position
Trouble code P1744 means: TCC system mechanically stuck in off position
Trouble code P1744 means:TCC system mechanically stuck in off position
Replace freeze plug in a 1998 ford windstar ?
A 1998 Ford Windstar would use refrigerant 134a
Trouble code P0708 means:Transmission range sensor circuit high input
On a 1998 Ford Windstar : The 3.8 liter V6 engine ( and the 3.0 ) has a timing CHAIN
On a 1998 Ford Windstar : ( # 16 / 20 amp )
Not likely - the 1999 Windstar was a rather significant updating of design compared to 1995-1998 models.
On a 1998 Ford Windstar ( 3.0 and 3.8 ) firewall 1-----2-----3 4-----5-----6 front of vehicle > driver
On the underside of the engine.