Mionr is not even a real word. If you mean Minor then it is a British small car made from 1928-33 and then again from 1948-71 called the Morris Minor. Other than that I can think of nothing in the category automobiles you listed the question in.
Rent the house out for market conditions in the area at 2% of what the house cost and multilpy that numnber bye 24 then divide it by 12 and you'll be saving money for the minor until he is of age.
If you ingest something poisonous, call your local poison control center or emergency services immediately for guidance. Avoid inducing vomiting unless instructed by a medical professional, as this can sometimes do more harm than good. Be prepared to provide information on what you ate, how much, and any symptoms you are experiencing.
A power play in hockey occurs when a player is called for a penalty. The team who does not have a player in the penalty box will have a man advantage known as the power player. Typically it is 5 on 4 but it can vary in numbers depending on the situation.