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The Mackintosh Probe is a lightweight and portable penetrometer. It is a considerably faster and cheaper tool than boring equipment especially when the depth of exploration is moderate and the soils under investigation are soft or loose.

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Q: What is a Mackintosh probe test?
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Mackintosh's was created in 1890.

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Cameron Mackintosh's birth name is Cameron Anthony Mackintosh.

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the name of charlie rennie mackintosh's wife was Margret macdonald mackintosh.

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Is mackintosh a real name?

yes, Mackintosh is a real name. Like the Mackintosh apple or a computer and it can also be a last name. One of my friend's last name is Mackintosh.

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Lils Mackintosh was born in 1955.

When was Chris MacKintosh born?

Chris MacKintosh was born in 1903.

When did Chris MacKintosh die?

Chris MacKintosh died in 1974.