To reset this service-counter light, press and hold both the SELECT and the UNITS button, found on your dashboard odometer / clock controls. While holding these buttons, start your car. Continue to hold these buttons until you hear a low, long beep-sound, usually after about 5-10 seconds. The light will instantly turn off.
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A wrench light on any car means the engine needs attention.
pontiac g6 check engine light car with wrench
The wrench light in any car means your engine needs attention.
The wrench light is just a service reminder, telling you that your machine is due for an oil change.
The wrench warming light on the dash of the Ford F250 means that there is a mechanical failure on your vehicle.
with a wrench
the wrench is in the phone. click on the red light.....3 things are going to pop out....a wrench sissciors and a on the wrench and use it
To get the wrench you click the little light on your spy phone and a wrench, a comb, and scissors pop out. Then you click the wrench to take it. To put it away simply click the spy phone while holding the wrench.
on the head liner on your car you will see a small cap near the dome light, turn it 90 deg and remove it, with the correct Allen wrench tun the bolt you see, that is directly connected to the sun roof motor.
the sun only emit light. not the moon. it will reflect the light of the sun.
It means your engine needs attention.