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Then you figure out why and repair it accordingly. Check the bulb. If that checks out, take a test light and see if you have power to it when the brake pedal is depressed. If you don't, then you probably have a wiring fault somewhere between where the wiring for the CHMSL splits off from the wiring for the other brake lights and the CHMSL itself.

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Q: What if third brake light is only one not working?
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Why is third brake light the only one working on a 2007 landrover lr3?

There are a few reasons that the third brake light is the only one working. One reason could be that there is a short in the wires of your main brake light. Another reason is that the light bulb has blown out.

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I would guess that both of your brake light bulbs are burned out, and only the high mount bulbs are still working.

What if your third brake light is the only brake light working?

It probably indicates that both your other brake lights are burned out and need replacing. BTW: It is illegal in most (if not all) jurisdictions to drive this way.

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The brake light, a red light shaped like a headlight on the dash means that one or more exterior lights are not working. It could be a taillight, brake light, side marker, license plate light, or third brake light. It stays on all the time if it's a side marker or any light besides the brake light. If it's the brake or third brake light it will come on only when you press the brake pedal.

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Yes, it is illegal to drive with only one brake light not working. It is a safety hazard and can result in a traffic violation.

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You are supposed to only have to press the brake pedal. Evidentally your brake lights aren't working. You probably need to see if the brake light switch is bad.

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If you have the 3rd light working, then you already have a brake signal going to the back of your van. This eliminates the fuse & switch. I would check the bulbs again. I've seen bad bulbs that looked good. make sure the bulbs are correct for the vehicle.. make sure they are installed correctly.

How does it change rear window brake light on a 2004 Chrysler concorde?

I just replaced a blown third brake light bulb today. ... I have about 60k on my M and havent yet had to change the brake light---so if it only has to be done once in the ... If memory serves, the Concorde's is in the rear window. ... Well I decided to mod my 2004 300Mspecial Third Brake lights, not with a bulb ...

How to remove the rear tail light on the Hyundai elentra 2002 to change the brake light - is it possible to change the brake light only as the side indicator light is working?

Remove the 3 nuts from behind the light housing in the trunk. Gently work housing free. You only need to change the bulbs that are dead.

1999 Chevy Venture no brake lights Third brake light works you have changed bulbs and brake switch.?

Part of Brake Light System NonfunctionalThe fact that the "third" brake light does work tells us that the much of the brake light system is good and thus working. This tells us the fuse is good, the brake light switch is working, and that the wiring to the 3rd light is good.The fact that the 3rd light works and the brake lights at the rear don't work tells us that the specific defect causing your problem is located somewhere BETWEEN where the wires for 3rd light split off from the main harness, and split/fork for the rear brake light assemblies.Although I'm not familiar with your vehicle, that year most, if not all, vehicle brake light systems had the main harness go to one of the rear tail light/brake light assemblies, and then "split" off with the harness continuing to the other tail-brake light.That suggests that the OPEN CIRCUIT condition [your defect] is located in that section of the circuit between where the 3rd light wires split off from the harness, and where the harness splits for the two rear tail-brake light assemblies.We're only talking about roughly 5 to 8 feet of wire/harness here, and that's where to look for something like a disconnected or "loose" connector plug, or a cut wire.

How to replace the third brake light on 1996 Chrysler sebring convertable?

I assume you only need to change the bulbs. Go into the trunk and look up. You should see the wires leading to the mounting point for the third brake light, you candisconnect the connectors and then change the bulbs this way.