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It will not hurt the engine what so ever, But it will make it smoke and might fowl out a spark plug.

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Q: What happens if you add extra oil to gas on an oil injected engine?
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It gets extra bubbly and sometimes explodes and it tastes more spicy

What happens to the car when you add oil in the engine?

the motor gets lubricated.

What happens when you add fuel to engine while car is running?

I assume you mean add fuel by pressing the accelerator. In which case the engine runs faster.

What if you put too little oil in the mix for a 2 cycle engine?

Add more, this can cause internal damage to the engine to the point where is destroyed. A little extra will cause rougher running, and extra smoke, but is better than not enough.

What happens when you add antifreeze to your engine instead of oil?

If you run it that way you will cause internal damage.

Can you add turbo kit to regular 1.5L engine of civic 2005 what is the negative effect of turbo ob the engine?

it will damage the engine. a stock engine isn't meant for that kind of force. add new air intake system and change out the whole exhaust system...that should add a little extra hp. don't use nitrous either you will FOR SURE blow your engine.

How much horsepower does a k and n air-filter add?

In normal everyday driving it will add no extra horsepower. In a racing situation at high rpms it will add some but not much. How much depends on the engine that it is installed on.

Does a turbo make your car faster?

A turbo can make your car faster by increasing the amount of air that the engine can have inside the cylinders. A turbo alone will not make a car faster, you will need to adjust the amount of fuel that is injected into the engine as if you add too much air it will cause your engine to lean out and blow up.

What extra you can add to your moped for faster speed?

you can add on a tuning kit, better pistons, lighter wheels etc , better exhaust and lighter engine covers you can also take the restricters out which are usaully by the carb and round by the engine that will make a big difference to the speed and that is about it or you can just buy a bigger size engine for cheaper.

What happens to a car engine if it is not driven in a year to 2 years?

Nothing happens to the engine but the gasoline gets old. Before you park the vehicle add some fuel storage treatment to the gas tank and run it for a few miles.

How do you add engine sealant to an engine?

add it to the oil.

What happens if fill petrol into engine oil compartment?

If you put gasoline/petrol in the oil resivoir of any engine, you will destroy the engine if you do not drain the oil and add fresh oil immediately. Start running that engine and it will not last long.