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The phrase accessory after the fact is used in law. A person is an accessory after the fact when s/he, knowing that a crime was committed, receives, comforts or assists the perpetrator (the person who committed the offense) in escaping from the police.

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Q: What does the phrase accessory after the fact mean?
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You could be: aiding a felon accessory before the fact accessory after the fact

What is the sentence for accessory after the fact murder in Massachusetts?

the sentence for accessory after the fact murder in massachusetts is a max of seven years i know because i went thru a murder trial and was ultimately charged as an accessory after the fact and received the max sentence of seven years

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What is the difference between legal accessory before the fact and an accessory after the fact?

Accessory before the fact implies that a defendant planned in or assisted with the gathering items necessary for an activity that lead up to the point that the planned crime was committed. After the fact implies the same but they assisted with or gathering items to hide the crime committed.

What is the Penalty for letting a wanted person stay with you and you fail to turn them in?

You become an accessory to their crime- accessory after the fact.

What amount of time can you get for accessory after the fact?

That depends on the classification of the offense you were an accessory to. It could either be a felony or a misdemeanor.

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Can a person be found guilty of both murder and accessory after the fact?

There is no specific crime called "accessory after the fact," and in the US the notion of "accessory" in general is largely an obsolete concept. An "accessory before the fact" is now generally regarded as an accomplice, flat out, and charged with the same crime as the principal. The old concept of "accessory after the fact" is now largely subsumed in more specific charges (usually of lesser severity) like "obstruction of justice," "tampering with evidence," or "harboring a felon".

What is the sentence for accessory after the fact murder in North Carolina?

25 years

What does the phrase 'ipso facto' mean when translated into English?

The phrase "IPSO Facto" means when translated into English the phrase "by the fact itself". This means that a direct phenomenon is a direct consequence of the action.

What is an accessory before the fact?

It means that you either knew about a crime before it was committed or you participated in the planning of a crime. This term is now either, conspiracy or accomplice. Both terms carry long prison sentences

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39-11-411: Accessory After the Fact