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The fuel PUMP inertia switch is a safety device that supposedly " trips " when

the vehicle has been jarred in a collision or maybe hitting a really bad

pothole . It is a mechanical switch that , when it trips , does not allow power

to the electric fuel pump

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Q: What does the fuel pressure inertia switch do in a 1992 ford f 150?
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Where is inertia switch on Cadillac?

Ford vehicles have this switch, no GM vehicle use an inertia switch.

Where is the fuel pump inertia switch located on a 1992 Toyota Pick up?

I don't believe it has one. That's a Ford thing.

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Ford is the only company that have inertia switches.

What is inertia switch ford?

If the vehicle is involved in a serious accident the inertia switch shuts off the fuel pump.

Fuel-Pump Inertia Switch 2001 Chevy 1 ton van?

Chevy did not use are have an Inertia switch. Ford only used them.You either have a bad fuel pump or fuel pump relay if you have no fuel pressure.

Where is the fuel cutoff relay on a 1992 suburban?

If you are talking about a fuel pump inertia switch, Chevrolet doesn't use those. That's a Ford thing.

Does a 2000 ford winstar have inertia switch?

On a 2000 Ford Windstar : ( Yes ) The fuel pump inertia switch ( shut off switch ) is located behind the service panel , in the cargo area , on the passenger side

Where is the inertia switch on 2001 Ford Explorer?

According to the 2001 Ford Explorer Owner Guide : The fuel pump shut off switch ( inertia switch ) is located in the front passenger footwell , by the kick panel

WHERE is a inertia switch on 1994 Ford Taurus?

my 92 is in the trunk.

How do you remove kill switch on 1994 ford thunderbird?

If you are referring to the inertia switch, it is in the trunk.

Where is 1999 ford e-150 inertia switch located?

On a 1999 Ford E-150 : The fuel pump inertia switch is in the front passenger footwell , behind the kick panel

Where is the inertia switch on 99 Ford Ranger?

According to the 1999 Ford Ranger Owner Guide : The fuel pump inertia switch is in the front passenger's footwell , behind the kick panel