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It means that one problem or unanswered question has been resolved. This expression is often used when a person has many things to think about or do and one has been taken care of.

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Q: What does one less thing to worry about mean?
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What is correct one more thing to worry about or one thing more to worry about?

Both "one more thing to worry about" and "one thing more to worry about" are grammatically correct, but "one more thing to worry about" is more commonly used in English.

What is correct one less thing to worry about or one thing less to worry about?

Both are ok, but the first phrase is colloquial (not to say incorrect) because "less" is properly used only of quantities that cannot be counted. The technically correct word, in the first phrase, is 'fewer.' There is also a difference of meaning in the two phrases. In the first case, less is an adjective modifying thing; in the second, it is a noun. The second phrase could be restructured thus: Less to worry about, by one thing. In English the adjective precedes the noun as in 'The green house' whereas in French the adjective follows the noun as in 'La maison verte'. In bilingual countries such as Canada (French/English) you will occasionally find phrases that jump the language barrier and have a French grammar to them, such as 'One thing less to worry about.'

How do you do everything?

You can't. If a specialist is someone who knows more and more about less and less until finally they know everything about nothing, then a generalist would be someone who knows less and less about more and more until finally he knows nothing about everything. Find one thing you are good at, and be that one thing. If you should come to master it and be bored, then worry about branching out. (But who has mastered even one thing?)

How do you be everything?

You can't. If a specialist is someone who knows more and more about less and less until finally they know everything about nothing, then a generalist would be someone who knows less and less about more and more until finally he knows nothing about everything. Find one thing you are good at, and be that one thing. If you should come to master it and be bored, then worry about branching out. (But who has mastered even one thing?)

One less thing or one thing less?


What is the life of a car airbag?

They will last the life of the car. They are one thing on your car you do not have to worry about.

What does a green dress mean in a dream?

That is superstitious.If you dream of one,do not worry about it.

To say one thing but mean another?

To say one thing and mean another is sarcasm.

What does less than mean?

It means one thing is of smallet quantity than another. As in less than perfect or in mathematics 1 is less than 2. In logic or maths this would be written 1<2

Does less than or equal to the same thing as no more than?

No..less then means that you have less then one thing..equal means you have the same and no more thenEASY ANSWER:Yes

What does that's a load off my mind mean?

This phrase means feeling relieved or less stressed after a worry or concern has been resolved or explained. It signifies a weight lifted off one's shoulders when a troublesome thought or issue is no longer present.

How do you make leg hairs less obvious?

Don't worry, they are probably fine. You might notice it, but no-one else will