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Flat battery or sticky starter motor / solenoid - try re-charging battery or get a jump start Flat battery or sticky starter motor / solenoid - try re-charging battery or get a jump start

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Q: What does it mean when 1994 GMC Jimmy won't start just clicks?
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A good possibility would be a dead battery.

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There could be many reasons why a Kawasaki 650 jet ski won't start, but still clicks. The fuse could be blown, the wiring could be off, there may not be a lot of gas, or a solenoid could be out.

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Dead battery? try jumping it off. bad starter solenoid? bad starter?

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The alternator might be the problem.

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It could be a dead battery.

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Could be the Starter or the Transmission

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It's probably your starter or maybe the sellonoid. Easy to check which it is.