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Q: What did the dramatic increase in car ownership in the 1950s lead to?
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What helped lead to US's economic growth in the 1950s?

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That would be Egypt.

How will an increase in car ownership lead to more demand for oil?

More cars on the road require more gasoline. Gasoline is refined from crude oil. The more gasoline needed the more crude oil needed to produce it.

What helped lead to the U.S economic growth in the 1950s?

U.S. industries doing very well

What helped lead the U.S economic growth in the 1950s?

U.S. industries doing very well

Helped lead to U.S. economic growth in the 1950s?

U.S. industries doing very well

What helped lead to U.S. economic growth in the 1950s?

U.S. industries doing very well

What helped lead to U.S economic growth in the 1950s?

U.S. industries doing very well

Which of the following helped lead to U.S. economic growth in 1950s?

U.S. industries doing very well

What sentence is the best example of a topic sentence in a paragraph about pet ownership?

A topic sentence in a paragraph about pet ownership should be a lead-in to what the paragraph is about. An example of a topic sentence is, Pet ownership is a great responsibility, but the rewards are worth it.

What lead to U.S. economic growth in the 1950s?

U.S. industries doing very well