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Over the years many have speculated that China is the largest manufacturer of American flags. Recently Bloomberg did some research and stated that this was not true. According to Bloomberg, the most American flags are manufactured in Roseland, NJ by Annin Flag makers.

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Q: What country manufactures the most American flags?
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Where can military flags be viewed?

Military flags can be viewed from a few different sources online. Among the most popular sites to view these flags are American Flags, CVS Flags and The Flag Guys.

What is the most popular flag?

American flags are pretty popular.

What color is found most on country flags?

The most common color found on country flags is red, followed by white and blue. These colors are often used to symbolize patriotism, bravery, purity, and freedom.

What do stars represent on various flags?

Stars on flags often represent different meanings, depending on the country or region. They can symbolize independence, unity, or the number of states or provinces within a country. In some cases, stars are used to represent specific qualities such as freedom, hope, or faith.

What city manufactures most American cars?

Detroit is the city that manufactures most American cars. The city in Michigan retains that title because of its long-time association with the big three in automobile manufacturing: Chrysler, Ford, and General Motors.

What country manufactures the most guns?

i think the usa because they hunt more than we do

Country that manufactures the most clothes?

i think that it is china. it's cheap to pay workers over there

Why must flag have to be rectangle?

Flags do not have to be a rectangle. The flag of Nepal is not a rectangle. It is the only country in the world that is not rectangular. A rectangle is a simple shape to work with, so most flags are rectangles.