Yes, either can cause a shake while driving.
Perhaps your timing.
Another word for vibrate or shake is tremble or quiver.
Low pressure in the tires can cause shaking, the alignment can cause shaking also.
One reason that your truck might start to shake when the gas pedal is pressed is because the tires could need to be balanced. The problem could also be your shock absorbers, or struts. * It has less to do with the gas pedal as it has to do with parts affected by acceleration.
Can be a bent wheel, tire out of balance, or worn suspension parts.
Look for a broken blade on the radiator cooling fan(s), if one is cracked, it will throw the whole fan off balance.
to quiver or shake a lot and to vibrate
Fear can cause your poodle to shake intermittently. Even something as every day as taking a bath can cause a dog to shake if they are afraid of the water. Being happy could also cause a dog to shake, as could being sick or feeling pain.