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Injectors sticking, o2 sensors bad.

AnswerIf you have a PCV Valve (Positive Cranckcase Ventilation) it might be full of oil that never returned into combustion chamber. Answermass air flow sensor might be stuck, throttle body dirty, new air filter needed ? tune up needed (new plugs and wires and cap)\to clean up the thottle body and mass airflow sensor, just open up the tubes from the air filter to the intake manifold, spray everything down with carb cleaner (i prefer engine degresser, but i wouldn't recoomend it unless your used to using it . . . anyway . . . grab an old tooth brush (clean it with gas or alcohal before you use it) and scrub down every little part you can find . . . you should also clean some of the external parts like the thottle position sensor, and linkages.

also, always use injector cleaner and throw 4 onces of marvil oil in with each tank full . . . shift at a lower RPM and take you foot off the gas !!

Steve !!

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