Which is cheaper to purchase? Mustang - by a considerable margin.
Ferrari is more expensive but mustangs are and always will be an American icon.
Depends on what Ferrari because every Ferrari will beat it but say if it's a Enzo it's going to beat it more than a f430.
The Ferrari Enzo cost $650,000. Used Enzo's are usually more than that.
no, ferrari is faster than mustang
Most experts would say the Ferrari. It is a luxury Italian car. The Ferrari has won many racing trophies.
Any Formula One car would cost about 20 million dollars, if not more. The more the research done on it, the more the cost would be. I estimate the Ferrari F1 car to be about 25 million dollars.
Ferrari and mustang
yes a ferrari does cost over a dollar.
the Ferrari cost about $190,000 depending on the type
If you are asking for gas cost, you should not be thinking of Ferrari. Buy Honda Civic. If you have money to buy Ferrari it means money is no consideration to you. Ferrari is not for commuting to work or groceries. The money you will spend for insurance is more than the money you will ever spend on gas.
There is no chevy ferrari
They don't make ANY Ferrari F430's any more, in India or the rest of the world! The replacement is the Ferrari 458 Italia, which in the UK will cost around 275 thousand pounds. However, you may be able to but a USED Ferrari F430.