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Sears Slug Model 446.511761 is a Mossberg 500. All parts interchange.

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Q: What company manufactured Sears Roebuck 12 gauge model 446-511761 shotguns?
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What company manufactured Sears Roebuck 12 gauge model 446 511761 shotguns?

Its a Sears branded Mossberg 500.

When was j c Higgins company finded?

J.C.Higgins was a trademark used on Sears and Roebuck rifles and shotguns manufactured for Sears from 1946-1962.

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That would be a Stevens 94B sold by Sears Roebuck.

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Beginning in 1956, Sears Roebuck and Company produced the world's first gas-powered gun under its J.C. Higgins brand. The gas system was produced by High Standard Manufacturing.

Where can you find information on Eastern Firearms Company?

Eastern Arms Company was a trade name used by Sears Roebuck. The guns were manufactured by Meriden Arms, Iver Johnson, Stevens, Savage, and probably others.

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Prior to 1930, certainly. Wolverine Arms Co was a tradename used by Fletcher Hardware in Wilmington NC.

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Richard Sears and Alvah Roebuck decided to start a company together--hence the name of the store and company.

What does the name roebuck mean?

This may have been linked to Sears and Roebuck as a company.

Who manufactured the Ranger Model 104 shotgun?

I am actually looking up that very gun... I am trying to find manuals and parts for it. It is a Sears, Roebuck and Company, U.S.A. - 20 ga. - Ranger - 104.7

Where can you find information on an Eastern Arms Company 410 shotgun model 56051?

I can't find a cross-reference for that number, but Eastern Arms was a trade name used by Sears Roebuck. Most of the shotguns were made by Stevens/Savage.