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SHOULD USE mopar pink 5yr/100000 mile ebittered only.

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Q: What color of coolant for Jeep Liberty?
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What kind of antifreeze do i use in my 2003 Jeep Liberty sport?

A 2003 Jeep Liberty uses red, hoat, five year coolant.

How do you put water into a 2006 Jeep Liberty?

coolant you retard not water!!

2002 Jeep coolant?

it uses HOAT coolant. it appears orange in color

Why is the heater on your 2002 jeep liberty blowing warm not hot?

this is not an answer just an update. coolant is filled

Where to you put antifreeze in a Jeep Liberty 2004?

The bottle on the firewall with the radiator cap on it is where you add coolant.

What color coolant is in a 2006 Jeep?

Most new coolant is tinted red or green. If you have a different color than that look into it a little further. You may have oil in you coolant causing it to be a brown color.

Where is coolant temperature sensor located Jeep Liberty 2002 3.7?

The rear of the generator, right on the manifold

Why do you hear a gurgling noise when you accelerate in your 2002 Jeep liberty?

Low coolant and air in the heater core.

What Kind of Antifreeze to use in 2002 Jeep Liberty Limited Edition?

Jeep recommends that you use HOAT, or H-OAT coolant. This is an ethylene glycol based coolant that has corrosion inhibitors in it for long radiator life.

Why would coolant in a 1999 jeep wrangler have a dark brown color?

The coolant is old, broke down, and needs replaced.

What causes your engine to over heat in the 2002 jeep liberty?

There are several reasons a 2002 Jeep Liberty could overheat. Some possible reasons are low in coolant, a bad thermostat, or the head gasket went bad.

What color coolant for Jeep grand Laredo 2004?

Red, 5 year, HOAT type