A bad fuel pressure regulator or a clog in the fuel return line that leads back to the tank will cause this.
A bad sending unit in the gas tank.
Sometimes when the gas cap goes bad it will cause pressure in the tank,also you need a little bit of pressure in the tank,or the car wont run correctly,like if you leave the gas cap off after filling up with gas.
The dual tank system has a low pressure fuel pump in each tank which pumps fuel to the high pressure pump outside. If the pump or strainer in one tank is plugged that will cause this problem.
No, An Invert Mini is a high pressure system, therefore it's internals and ASA must use a high pressure tank (nitro tank).
Defective bladder / low pressure inside the tank
A compressed C02 tank or High Pressure Air tank propels the paintball.
The propane is going from a HIGH pressure, to a very low pressure,as you are using the gas,the tank WILL get very cold, this is very normal, and NOT dangerous. Great that you noticed it, but do NOT be alarmed.
In the fuel tank.
any Co2 tank and high pressure HPA tanks.
Check for proper installation of fuel pump and filter.
you would need a fuel pressure regulator to control the flow to the carb to keep the pressure about 5 or 6 PSI, you shouldn'rt have to do anything with the pump in the tank.