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There are a few different things that can cause your brake (I assume pedal) to pulse or "bounce" when you are slowing from speed. The most common is that you have a brake rotor or drum that is warped or out of round. This can usually be corrected by having the rotors or drums turned. This is a process that shaves the unevenness out of the metal surface of the rotor or drum. HOWEVER, this process makes the rotor or drum less able to disapate heat and more apt to re-warp. There is a minimum thickness available for every rotor and drum which lets the machine shop know how much of the material can be cut off the rotor or drum before the part must be discarded and replaced with new. I have owned 69 cars, all different kinds and years and I have not ever turned a rotor or drum. I have always just replaced them if there was a warp. This problem is most often caused by dragging the brakes from high speeds slowing down gradually and causing the brakes to heat up and then sitting at a stop with your foot pressed firmly on the brake when they are really hot...Another common cause of the brake pedal pulse is that a tire or wheel rim is out of round or a tire tread is seperating, or tire underinflation.

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