If your astro van is puttin out black smoke that means it is burning oil somewhere, It will be from either worn piston rings (called a "blowby") or from a cracked cylinder head gasket you might try pulling the spark plugs one at a time, you will notice a sutty biuldup on the plug from the fouled piston. on an astro van of any year either of these conditions will get costly unless you are making the repairs yourself then they will just be time consuming and frustrating as hell but astros are good vans so it will be well worth the effort unless you just dont want to be bothered. It will be a worthwhile investment for you to get yourself a haynes manual from your local parts store it will give you a step by step with photos
burning oil
What can cause black sooty exhaust is bad valve guides. When the guides are bad oil leaks into the cylinder when the car isn't running. When the car starts it produces black exhaust.
Could be a diesel? If not then replace your oxygen sensor on your exhaust. A bad oxygen sensor causes the exhaust smoke to be dark in color.
Black smoke coming out of the exhaust of a car is usually due to oil being burned in the engine's cylinders. This can be caused by a worn piston ring or rings.
emissions and exhaust
we have a gas engine jenbacher 1006kw.we face a black shutdown due to exhaust back pressure high.
Black smoke is an indication of an overly rich fuel/air mixture. This will destroy your catalytic converter and O2 sensor so have it repaired ASAP.
Black smoke is an indication that the fuel/air mixture is far too rich. The black smoke is excess fuel being burnt.
how can i get black exhaust smoke stuck on my dual exhaust
It is located above the fuse box above the drivers left foot. A small snap in connector bigger than a fuse, black in color.
you get them in the black hole
sounds like a stuck fuel injector