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A failed switch is a common cause.

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Q: What causes a PT cruiser fog lights to remain on?
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How do you turn on the fog lights on a 2005 Chrysler PT Cruiser?

Turn the headlights on and pull the end of the switch out.

How do i Bypass fog light switch PT Cruiser?

under the driver set there is a fuse box, locate it, once you've opened the fuse box flip the cap over and find the fuse for the fog lights. pull it out. fog lights bypassed.

How do I turn on the fog lights in my 2003 PT Cruiser?

If equipped, turn the headlights on and pull the end of the switch out a little bit.

What does the green warning light in the shape of a headlight with wavy lines going down on a 2001 Limited PT Cruiser mean?

Fog lights are on.

Where is the fog light switch on the 2001 PT Cruiser?

The fog light switch is on the end of the turn signal switch. Just pull the end of the turn signal switch and the fog lights will come on. (Turn signal switch and fog light switch are one assembly)

What lights to use during fog?

Fog lights

Do fog lights come on automatic when the headlights come on a 2000 Chrysler sebring convertible?

No, the fog lights have a switch.No, the fog lights have a switch.

Which lights should you use when you drive in a fog?

Low beam headlights and fog lights if the vehicle has fog lights.

Where are fog lights on 07 corsa?

how do i put fog lights on

What type of lights should you use in a fog?

Fog Lights only, Low Beam only or Fog Lights + Low Beams.

Repair Fog Lights?

form_title=Repair Fog Lights form_header=Repairing your fog lights does not have to expensive or time consuming. Have you noticed any problems with your fog lights?=_ Are you lights clear or are they cloudy?= () Clear () Cloudy Have you been involved in any accidents that might have affected your fog lights?= () Yes () No

In fog what lights do you use?

In fog you should use dipped headlights or front fog lights. Also you should use high intensity rear ( fog) lights.