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Need to replace the ingnetion module in the distributor.

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Q: What causes a 1993 s10 Chevy blazer to stall while driving?
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Why does a 1989 Chevy S10 Blazer stall when you stop?

check for vacuum leaks that wull usually cause this problem

Why makes a 1983 Chevy S10 Blazer 2.8 V6 stall when the accelerator pedal is depressed?

Your 1983 Chevy S10 Blazer might stall when the accelerator pedal is depressed because of a clogged or dirty fuel filter. Gas that is mixed with water or condensation from the tank can also cause this issue.

What causes a 1996 Altima to stall while driving?

Oil in the distributor.

What causes a 1988 Chevy Celebrity Eurosport to stall in overdrive at low speeds?

not downshifting.

Why does my 2001 Chevy Blazer Stall on turns and deceleration?

it something with fuel delivery maybe a bad fuel pump, filter, or fuel pressure regulator

What causes a vehicle to stall while driving down the road?

For starters change the fuel filter

What causes your 1994 Chevy Caprice to stall?

throttle position sensor located in the top part of the carb

What causes a 2009 Chevy Cobalt to stall when turning on the AC?

The ac compressor pump may be seized.

Why does your 94 Chevy s 10 blazer stall at stop signs?

You might need to change the fuel filter. Or you might need to replace the fuel pump.

What causes a Chevy 5.0 engine to stall at normal speeds?

Need to know the year and make, It would help answer.

What causes the engine to stall while driving?

There are several reasons an engine may stall while driving, here are three.The fuel tank is empty and the engine is starved of fuel.Not enough power to climb a hill causing a stall.Faulty or damp electronics on a petrol engine can also cause a stall.