n-14 rod and main bearing torque specs
What are the torque specs for the rod and main bearings for a1999 isuzu rodeo 2.2. engine
Specs for main bearings on a 2003 Chevy trailblazer with 4.2 engine .
The Caterpillar C15 diesel engine torque specifications for the rod bearings is 35 pounds. The main bearing torque specifications is 350 pounds.
Rod bearings - Step 1 - Torque 15 ft. lbs; Step 2 - Turn 75 Degrees Mail bearings - Step - 1 Torque 37 ft. lbs; Step 2 - Turn 77 Degrees
not 100% sure but i think its 65lbs
Need to know the year of the engine. You will need to ask your question again with that info.
The Kia 2.5 liter engine main bearing torque specification is 180 pounds. The main bearings should be torqued in 60 pound intervals.
The 1995 Toyota 3.0 liter engine main bearing torque specification is 160 pounds. The rod bearings torque specification is 120 pounds.
Torque settings for main bearings and big end bearings
The main bearing torque specifications, for your Honda Civic 1.6 liter engine, is 160 pounds. The main bearing bolts should be torqued in 40 pound intervals.
AnswerDepends on the year, if you're getting that in depth into maintenance, I would definitely suggest getting yourself a Chilton's manual, available at just about any auto parts store, all torque specs are in there.