100 ft lbs
160 foot pounds
118ft lbs
Torque specs
What are the torque specs for 2000 Chevy Impala 3.8 Litre ?
20 ft lbs. this is a correct answer from the manual and the gap spacing of the spark plug is .044 :) Cindy
what torque specs on cam shaft bolts 2000 saturn 2.2
what torque specs on cam shaft bolts 2000 saturn 2.2
The short bolt torque specs for the head gasket of a 2000 Pontiac Sunfire is 43 foot pounds. The torque specs for long bolts is 46 foot pounds.
The head bolt torque specs for the 2000 Eclipse with a 3.0 liter is 81.07 feet-pounds and 973.39 inch-pounds. In addition, torque specs include 100 N-m.
torque specs 2000 mercury sable 3.0 12V rod bolts
96 lbs for the three small bolts in the back I think the axle nut is 175?