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by getting hoy and having a native harass a young pool stick with a slab of meat

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Q: What are the 3 kinds of variable resistors?
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Related questions

What are the 3 kinds of variables?

independent variable,depedent variable and control variable are the 3 kinds of variables.

Where are variable resistors found?

dimmer swithces for lights usually contain variable resistors

Give ten appliances with variable resistors?

toaster have variable resistot

What are photo resistors?

photo resistors, or light dependent resistors, are devices with variable resistance, that cahnges depending on how much light is hitting the device

Can variable resistors store electrical charge?

NO. Variable capacitory can store a small charge

A sentence using the word independent variable?

We used 3 kinds of soaps in the experiment, which each was an independent variable.

List three variable resistor and list three fixed resistors?


What might variable resistors be used for in a cinema?

Variable resistors in a cinema may be used to adjust the volume of the speakers, control the intensity of lighting in different areas, or regulate the speed of the projector fan.

What are the two kind of variable?

what are the two kinds of variable

What components are placed in an electrical circuit to control the amount of resistance in circuit?

resistors, variable potentiometers

Decade resistor box?

A variable range of resistors built inside a box that can be varied as per our convenient. For example a set of kilo ohm resistors will be there,if u want 3 kilo ohm resistor then using the knob u can change the resistor value to your desired value. similarly there will be another set of resistors in mega ohm etc

Do potentiometers have polarity?

No, potentiometers do not have polarity. They are variable resistors that can be used in either direction without affecting their functionality.