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behind the rear pasenger seat

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Q: Were is the fuel pump ground wire located on 1985 Oldsmobile delta 88?
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Where is the heater coil located on a 1985 delta 88 Oldsmobile?

Usually passenger side behind glove box

What is the horsepower of a 1985 Oldsmobile delta 88?

Depends on the engine

How do you replace a transmission seal on 1985 Oldsmobile delta 88?

You gotta use tools.

1985 Oldsmobile's delta eighty eight engine diagrams?

What belts do i need and how many are there

Do you have a vacuum diagram 1985 delta 1988 olds?

Read your questions before posting them. What you just asked makes no sense. Do you mean an Oldsmobile Delta 88 from the year 1985?

Where is the water pump located for on a 1985 delta 88 royal?

The water pump on a 1985 Delta 88 Royal is in the engine compartment. It is located next to the timing belt.

Where is the computer located on a 1985 Oldsmobile cutlass?

The 1985 Oldsmobile Cutlass computer is located behind the passenger side dashboard. You will need to remove the glovebox in order to access the computer.

Vacuum hose diagram for 1985 Oldsmobile delta 88?

I'm trying to find out how to hook up the vacuum hoses to the carb in a 85 delta 88. I need to know how they go.

How do you change the fuel filter in a 1985 Oldsmobile delta royal?

It is right at the front of the Carb.. just unscrew the bigger boltand the filter comes out behind it..

How much gas does a 1985 Oldsmobile Delta 88 royale hold and whats the miles per gallon for said car?

23 gallon tank and 21 mpg

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