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Could be low on coolant (leak somewhere) or the thermostat is faulty.

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Q: Temp gauge goes up and down?
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What is wrong with my car Temp gauge goes up and down you have heat when it is down and no heat when it is up does anyone have an idea what this means?

Low coolant level and possible coolant leak.

What does it mean when temp gauge goes up and down continuously?

Your temp. sensor might be faulty, or the wiring for the gauge, but 9 out of 10 times this indicates air in the cooling system. Check the overflow tank. When there is HOT coolant on the sensor, it pops up. When air hits the sensor, it dives down.

What is a Salamanders'response to change in temperature?

A salamander is a cold blooded animal. So it simply follows the temperature change. Temperature goes down, its body temp goes down, Temp goes up its body temp goes up

Your 2001.5 passat temp gauge goes up to 190 then after alittle drops down then goes up to 190 Could this be a thermostat or head gasket?

the rise to 190 is normal. the reason for the drop in temp. is the cooling fan is doing its job, i wouldn't worry about that unless it overheates.

Why does your temp gauge go up and down did get new rad and changed thermostat?


What happens to temperature as you go higher in the troposphere?

the temp goes down, the winds go up, and the pressure goes up...

Your temp gage goes up then back down when idling?

It is normal for a temperature gauge to go up a little bit until the thermostat opens up and the cooling fan comes on. As long as it is not going out of the normal temperature range it is fine.

What would cause the temp gauge on a 2000 Nissan Altima to raise to hot and car is not overheating gauge just moves up and down and the fan comes on?

A faulty thermostat might cause the temp gauge on the 2000 Nissan Altima to raise to hot when the car is not overheating. A faulty thermostat can cause the gauge to move up and down and might even turn the fan on.

Why does the temperature gauge on your car fluctuate?

The temperature gauge on a car fluctuates because the car's thermostat is opening and closing. The gauge goes up when the thermostat closes and the gauge goes down when the thermostat opens.

2003 Pontiac grand prix no heat the temp goes up and then all the way down and then you get heat?

A malfunctioning thermostat can cause your temperature gauge to go up and then allow the gauge to go all the way down. When the thermostat is stuck closed, your engine will overheat and water will not get to your heater core. When the thermostat opens the engine cools down and water flows to the heater core.

Why the antifreeze is leaking but the temp gauge is still within normal all the time?

The temp may not go up until the antifreeze leaks way down. Or the temp gauge may not be working right. The leak needs to be fixed, or the engine can overheat and cause permanent damage.

Why does gauge size go up when actual size goes down?

it big and blue