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Q: Speedometer cable on a Plymouth acclaim?
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What do you need to do if your speedometer stops working in a 1990 Plymouth acclaim?

Replace the speedometer cable. Better yet, replace the car. I had this problem in my 94 acclaim. Somehow it had gotten severed and no new part was needed. Take it to a mechanic you trust and all it will cost you is labor. No need to replace the car.

How do you repair 1994 Plymouth duster speedometer cable?

A 1994 Plymouth Sundance/Duster does not use a speedometer cable. Instead, it uses a Speed Sensor located on the transmission.

How do you replace speedometer cable on 1974 Plymouth trail duster?

Unhook or screw from the back of the speedometer and the side of the tranny

When was Plymouth Acclaim created?

Plymouth Acclaim was created in 1989.

How do you repair a broken speedometer on a 65 Plymouth sport fury 3?

if it's the speedometer cable you just unhook the cable from in back of the speedometer head in the dash by unscrewing it and taking it off and on the transmission it also unscrews and then just pull the complete cable out and replace with a new cable.

Does the 1991 Plymouth acclaim have an interference engine?

No. A 1991 Plymouth Acclaim does not have an interference engine.

Why would a 97 Plymouth speedometer work only intermittently?

It is possible that the speedometer on a 1997 Plymouth will only work intermittently because the gear is worn out. Sometimes dirt can get up into the area where the speedometer cable is housed and cause excessive wear to the gear.

Where is the speedometer cable located on a 1974 Plymouth roadrunner?

one end is hooked to the back of the speedometer behind the dash and the other end is hooked to the transmission.

What are the valve timing mark's for a 1994 Plymouth Acclaim?

what are the vavle timing mark's for a 1994 Plymouth acclaim

Where is the fuel pump on a 1993 Plymouth Acclaim?

The fuel pump is inside the fuel tank on a Plymouth Acclaim.

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how do you change rear wheel bearing in 1994 Plymouth acclaim

Where can you find the fuel pump relay on a 94 Plymouth acclaim?

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