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Q: Since the 1980s what has happened to the US share of domestic car sales?
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Since the 1980s what has happened to the US share of domestic care sales?

Since the 1980s, the US share of domestic car sales has generally decreased. This is due to increased competition from foreign automakers and market saturation in the US, as well as changing consumer preferences towards alternative modes of transportation like ride-sharing services and electric vehicles.

Since the 1980 what has happened to the US share of domestic car sales?


What happened to duz soap powder?

Duz soap powder was discontinued by its manufacturer in the 1980s due to declining sales and changing consumer preferences. It is no longer available for purchase in stores.

What are domestic sales?

Domestic sales are those made where both seller and buyer are conducting business within the same borders.

What were domestic gum sales in the 1990s?

Overall domestic gum sales were flat in the late 1990s, though sales of sugar and sugar-free gum continued to rise steadily

What happened to piano sales by the 1980s?

they dropped by 30 percent, reflecting a nearly one-third decline in the birth rate from 1965 to 1975. The resulting decline in school-age children decimated the industry's core market.

What were SIC 3996 revenues in the 1980s?

By 1989, industry participants were enjoying sales of $1.4 billion.

Did domestic sugar sales fall in 1999?

Between 1999 and 2003, domestic sugar sales fell from 10.11 million short tons in 1999 to 9.67 million short tons

Did domestic sugar sales fall in 2000?

Between 1999 and 2003, domestic sugar sales fell from 10.11 million short tons in 1999 to 9.67 million short tons

Did domestic sugar sales fall in 2001?

Between 1999 and 2003, domestic sugar sales fell from 10.11 million short tons in 1999 to 9.67 million short tons

Did domestic sugar sales fall in 2002?

Between 1999 and 2003, domestic sugar sales fell from 10.11 million short tons in 1999 to 9.67 million short tons

How has the lawn and landscape industry done since the 1980's?

strong housing starts throughout most of the 1980s, as well as favorable demographic trends, boosted sales in many traditional segments of the landscape services industry