It most likely means that there was some food residue on the burner. The smoke from the burner itself should stop fairly quickly.
you eat them I have never tried smoking them and I never heard of anyone who has.
smoke some herbs
people should have some bag of food that won't exspire and have another bag of clothes and be papeare.
Yes they can if they choose to. Not all priests smoke, but some do and they even drink alcohol. I don't think it should matter if they smoke cigarettes. What we should be worried about is if they doing illegal drugs.
Belive it or not some of them still do. The worse thing about it is that some of them think that they have the right to smoke around outher people, who don't want their smoke. People who have to smoke should at least take it outside.
We should smoke some pot and hang out some time.
try to eat wheat as in the food pyramid,and maybe some spagetti or some pizza. whatever you do. dont eat or smoke cigarettes.
Yes, if the smoke alarm has replaceable batteries, they should be replaced at least once per year.While you're at it, you should also test the smoke alarm BEFORE you remove the old batteries, to see if it was already dead, and perhaps test the old batteries before you dispose of them. That way you might determine whether your old batteries were already putting you at risk and, if so, perhaps start changing or testing them more frequently.
If the food is handled and cooked properly, you should get some pretty good nutrition from the food. If you choose to eat it while still frozen, you could break some teeth or get a brain-freeze. If it was supposed to be cooked before eating but it isn't cooked before you eat it, you could become ill.
It is in some states. Just don't smoke weed right in front of the police and you should be fine ahah
No not all of them. Some are for like food but others you could eat or smoke them and tripp out.