what to do if my reverse lights on my 1993 gmc 1500 truck wont work
sounds like a problem with the grounding on switch
Has any work been done on the wiring? If so I would say that someone has reversed the brake and reverse light wire. Does the brake light come on when you put it in reverse? If so then reverse the wires. If not then you possible have a screwy grounding problem. You will just have to take out the tail lamp and check the condition of the wires and connectors. I hope this helps some.
No one understands this question because you do not say what is going in reverse. Please improve this question for an answer.
check the reverse light switch and all connections
1 bulb blown 2 fuse blown 3 open circuit in reverse light wiring 4 bad earth contact on reverse light 5 reverse light switch faulty 6 indent in gear box fault causing switch not to operate.
Try the fuses.
Look at the relay for the flashers, that should fix your problem.
I have a 2002 Genesis I and I have to hit the reverse button a couple times to get it into gear. If the light is flashing it is on in reverse that is why you don't have power i n reverse
Reverse light switch bad or out of adjustment.
head lights won't work, no power to them, signal works , reverse lights work
check the fuse