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Remove two push on caps on wiper arms. Remove nuts and wiper arms, disconnect washer hoses. Remove "push in" plastic retainers on plastic cowl grille and remove grille. Disconnect electrical plug on motor. Remove 3 bolts securing wiper transmission/motor. Lift out assembly. Remove motor from transmission - 2 torx screws and nut on motor shaft @ trans link. Note position of trans link on motor shaft. Reverse all to reinstall.

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Q: Replacing windshield wiper motor 2004 cavalier?
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Where is the wiper control module for a 2001 Chevy Cavalier?

Its attached to the windshield wiper motor you will have to remove the cowl to get access to it.

Where is the windshield wiper motor located on a 1993 Chevrolet Cavalier Z24?

Usually on the fire wall in the middle

Could you change your 95 Cavalier windshield wiper motor by yourself or is it too hard?

no ! you can replace this motor , it`s very easy

How do you change windshield wiper motor on 1994 dodge ram?

Remove the windshield wiper arm from the windshield wiper motor. Remove the wiring harness. Remove the retaining nut. Reverse the process to install the new windshield wiper motor.

Why would the wipers on a 1998 Jeep Wrangler work fine for a few minutes and then stop after replacing the wiper motor?

Your wiper arms that run from the wiper motor to the windshield wipers may be binding and need to be replaced

Why wouldn't windshield wipers work on a 1990 Chevy Luminum?

If the windshield wipers are not working on a 1990 Chevy Lumina, the problem could be with the wiper motor, the wiper motor relay, or a fuse. The least expensive fix to this problem will be replacing the fuse if it is blown.

How do you change a wiper motor on a 1995 Cavalier?

* Pry off the cover for the wiper arm nuts unscrew the nuts and remove both wiper arms * disconnect the windshield washer line remove the single retaining screw release the five push-in retainers and remove the cowl cover * Unplug the electrical connector from the windshield wiper motor * Remove the three wiper motor assembly retaining bolts and remove the wiper motor assembly * Detach the wiper transmission assembly from the wiper motor crank arm * Detach the wiper motor crank arm from the wiper motor assembly * Remove the three wiper motor retaining screws and detach the wiper motor from bracket

Where is the Windshield Wiper Motor located on the 1994 Pontiac Grand Prix SE?

The windshield wiper motor is located just below the windshield wiper blades and is covered by a black panel.

How do you repair wiper arms for 1991 Toyota Camry that are always in upright position?

If windshield wipers are stuck in position and won't move, I would say that the windshield wiper motor needs replacing. This happened to me last year.

Where can someone buy a windshield wiper motor?

One could purchase a windshield wiper motor at a retailer such as AdvanceAutoParts. Alternatively, one could also purchase a windshield wiper motor online on Amazon or AutoZone.

Why did the windshield wipers quit working on a 1993 Chevy Cavalier?

The most common cause that windshield wipers stop working is a blown fuse. The windshield wiper motor may need to be changed is also common.

Why does windshield wiper fuse keep blowing?

The windshield wiper motor may have a short in it. The windshield wiper motor may not be grounded properly. Make sure the ground wire is tight and free of corrosion.