can I buypass the rear heater valve and run two heater 1986 gmc van
Is there a third fuse box for my 1993 ford econoline van for the rear heater
approx. 13.5 quarts (12.8 L ) w/o rear heater, approx. 16.5 quarts (15.6 L) with rear heater.
diagram for a 92 Chevy van g20 Heater core
Probably bottom of radiator or rear lower section--may be hidden by radiator hose
The GMC 2500 Van is usually used as a work van. The Van does not column with rear seating, nor rear side windows.
vacume line to the valve has broke off from manifold vac that goes to the switch
a mouse!
passenger side rear of motor
how to remove heater core 87 Chevy astro van. like to have diagram.
It does if it has a rear heater. It will be back near where the heater outlets are.
there is a vacumm leak .
If your van has rear heating it will have hoses and a heater core back there, that is most likely the source of the leak.