if the drivers side switch works, but not the pass. side the problem is in the pass. side switch. if nether side works it is usually the regulator
remove the door panel
Inside Passenger door connected to the window/door switches. has small antenna comming out of it.
It depends whether or not your trailblazer came with heated seats, but if it did the switch would be on the door. The door switches should be (from front to back) Window Lock, Forward Window Controls, Passenger Window Controls, Door Lock, Seat Heaters.
Remove the rear passenger door panel. With the door panel removed the entire window mechanism will be visible. Place the new window in the window track. Secure the window with the retaining clips.
The wheel wells protrude into the door. That is why the bottom of the door is arched. There is no where for the window to go. it would hit the top of the wheel well.
the wheels
The passenger window on a windstar is best installed by a professional. However, if you have some auto repair experience, you can easily remove the door panel on the door by removing the screws and then you will be able to install the new window.
Do you have pictures or video of removing passenger side door panel on a 1996 Grand Marquis LS
have tried the passenger side dash panel? It located on the side of your glovebox as you open the door. Hope that helped
What is the problemtry holding the switch down and have someone slam the door,it worked for me.
Type your answer here... how do you remove passenger door panel on 2001 mercury marquis to replace door lock.,
push down on the button at the rear of the door where the window meets.