

Best Answer
Answer - Coolant not flowing to heaterThis sounds like the heater core is clogged, the heater hose is clogged, or the heater supply valve is not allowing the heated coolant to flow to the heater core. AnswerIn addition to the above, the thermostat may be stuck open and need replacing.

Additional info:

Are you checking the coolant level at the radiator or at the overflow tank? You need to check the cooling system, not the overflow tank.

If you recently changed your coolant, you may have air trapped in the cooling system. You'll need to rev the engine up and force the air out of the system. You may need to rev the engine pretty high.

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Q: Mazda MPV Heater doesn't work coolent level fine temp knob doesn't change temp but does change air velocity heater core hoses are only slightly different temps any ideas?
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By reading the directions that come with each heater as each one is slightly different

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Is it just water or is there coolent in it. If it's just water than it could be condensation from your A/C. If it has coolent in it than your heater core has a leak in it

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Check your coolent level! Yours is low and the on/off heat gives you a warning that your going to run out of coolent and trash your engine.

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Your low on coolent! system set up to protect engine first so routs coolent away from heater.

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undo the hoses from the fire wall and poor coolent into both of the hoses until the coolent fills up and starts comng out the hoses at both ends

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Coolent leaks from pasenger side of engine.

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depends. is the fan blowing? if not could be switch. if so you may need to replace the heater core first thing is see if your coolent is low. if it is you will not get any heat

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if engine temperature ok, either air lock/blockage in heater exchange matrix or problem with heater control cable. in my case it was the headgasket on its way out. from dom coolent level stops it to if too low!

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check the radiator coolent level...If it is low make sure the engine is running when you add the coolent. Heres a tip, Take the radiator cap off while the car is cold and not running. Then start the enigine and add coolent...this will prevent air bubbles that may cause overheating. The coolent should circulate fill up the radiator then wait, the level will fall and then add some more...then just repete until full.

Why doesn't the heater work on a 95 MPV?

Many reasons: low coolent, stuck heater valve, stuck flap that direct the heat to the cab, clogged heater core.Find the pipes the feed the water to the heater, they are on the right side of the firewall at the rear of the engine. Two rubber hoses connect to them. Warm up the engine and turn on the heat. Check the before mention pipes/hoses and see if one hose is hot and the other one is less so. Hottest water in from engine slightly cooler going back to engine. If they are the same temperature your heater core maybe plugged.

The heater in your 1995 Jeep Grand Cherokee Laredo has quit heating even though the water temperature appears normal on the gauge Any ideas?

you are low on coolent, the heater core is the highest point and therefore full of air and not fluid