In the rear of the drum
I am needing to change the transmission fluid on my 2001 Dodge Durango, and I don't know where the location of the plug to drain the transmission fluid is at!
It is in the pressure line just behind the pump.
The 2001 Dodge Durango has a V8 engine.
The 2001 Dodge Durango is a gas-powered vehicle.
The 2001 Dodge Durango has a 4-speed automatic.
A 2001 Dodge Durango does not have a cabin filter.
The height of the 2001 Dodge Durango is 5 ft. 11 in. (71 in.).
The 2001 Dodge Durango is 16 ft. 1.3 in. (193.3 in.) long.
The 2001 Dodge Durango has single overhead cam (SOHC).
The 2001 Dodge Durango runs on regular unleaded.
The 2001 Dodge Durango's turning circle is 38.9 ft..