I think the cars that run on gas or diesel usually are susceptible to catch fire.
If you are rear ended in a pinto, 75%. but generally cars don't catch fire, as gasoline in liquid form is very stable, to the point where you can put out a cigarette in it. its the fumes you have to worry about. But unless you have an exposed gas tank, you should be fine.
because when i tip of fire is put at petrol it may catch fire and it may lead to big accident's.
Unless you crash, the possibility is slim. If you do have a serious collision, around 35% of those cars do catch fire.
An eraser Will catch on fire
Cars do not typically explode in lava because lava is not flammable like gasoline or other combustible fuels. However, the extreme heat from lava can cause cars to melt and catch fire.
apparently, their was an accident causing the rig to sink and catch on fire as 11 workers died with it.
"Catch fire" means to start burning, while "catch on fire" means to become engulfed in flames. The phrase "catch on fire" is more intense and implies a more significant amount of fire compared to just "catch fire."
If a bomb explodes on fire you can catch on fire by a bomd
the sugar in the marshmellows can catch fire
Farts can catch on fire