The Vehicle Identification Number, or VIN, only identifies the body and frame of the vehicle. There is no VIN number on the engine and the engine number is not related to the VIN.
The vin number is the number of your car, it is specific to your car or someones car and no other car will have the same number. Vin numbers are only to specify the owner of the car.
hull identification number - same as the VIN on an automobile
It will be the same as the rear axle. Or take the VIN to the dealer, it is coded into the VIN number.
hull identification number - same as the VIN on an automobile
There is no VIN number on a Sea-Doo Jet ski. There is a HIN number which serves the same purpose. Therefore you cannot decode it.
The vin number on a car tells alot like what the body shape is the engine where it was built and by what company but the answer is no because the vin does not state what the car is used for.
the vin stands for Vehicle Identification Number. it is what used to be called the Serial Number. on most motorcycles the vin is 17 digits and is usually stamped into the frame on the steering head in between the fork tubes. sometimes there is also a sticker elsewhere on the frame with the same number.
I need a report on this VIN number rj4465 wm004-297
No, because I do not own a CRX. I own an Accord. FYI, all VIN numbers are different and no two are the same.
It has no VIN #. The VIN system did not exist at that time. It does however have a Serial # or build #. They are normally located on the firewall, in the glove box, or somewhere else on the body.
It's not a Yamaha Vin number. The vin number is for a 2008 KTM SX.