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Q: Is it normal for the freon of the automobile ac to be low with out a leak?
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How does an AC unit run low on freon?

Freon can leak. Since it will do so in the form of an invisible, odorless gas, it is very difficult to observe such a leak.

How do you lose volume in freon other than a leak?

A leak is the only way to loose volume of the freon charge. Freon is in a sealed system and it does not get used up. If your system is tight the freon will last forever. However a restriction in the freon lines can cause the freon pressure on the low side to look like it is low but the freon is really stacking up in the condensor.

Why does the air go on and off in an Escalade?

Probably low on freon, you have a leak.

Why freon is low on your air conditioner?

Because you have a leak in the system somewhere.

What causes your airconditioner to click in out on your 2003 Lincoln Town Car?

Sound like you are low on Freon causing the compressor to cycle on and off. If you are low of Freon then you have a leak somewhere.

How do you add freon to an automobile air conditioning unit?

where is low side charge port located

How do you replace freon in 1995 S10 pu?

First of all if the system is low or empty of freon, you have a leak. Replacing the freon without repairing the leak would be a waste of money not to mention allowing the freon to escape into the atmosphere. It would be best to take it to a garage and have a professional do the job for you.

Will adding freon make your ac colder?

ding freon will make it colder, only if freon is low. if freon is low you have a freon leak so adding will be wasting time and money. more likely to need a new ac temp thermostat, which is no big deal to change

Why does Ac blows cold when accelerating only?

Sounds like it is low on freon. Probably has a leak.

How do you put freon in a Chevrolet Impala 2000?

It contains no Freon. It contains R134 Refrigerant. If it is low, that means it has a leak. It is illegal to add refrigerant without first repairing the leak. Take it to a professional for repair and recharge.

What could cause your car AC to trip frequently?

Low Freon - Your AC system has a leak .The low pressure switch is working.

Why does your air conditioner run but not blow cold air?

it is low on freon go to a local shop and have them check it you may have a leak or just low.