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The 1989 Chevrolet Caprice came equipped in a 4.3L V6, three 5.0L V8 variants, and a 5.7L V8. Transmissions included the THM700R4 and TH200R4, and rear 7.5, 8.5 and 8.75 inch rear-ends.

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Q: Info on caprice classic 1989 5.0 liter?
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Look in your owner's manual or on the placard under the hood. It is listed there. Any parts store can also provide this info, if the placard is missing.

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really, need more info, ext cab/reg cab/long/short box. honestally. but for the sake of argument, it's about 6,000 GVW

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clockwise ...or counterclockwise... check with a timing light and then turn... also everyone should have a manual for their vehicle, and the local library should have a SHOP manual available in the reference section--make copies of the right info and read'll be a pro in no time ...good luck:)