More info needed like the year, mileage, options and such.
Not much info to go on but with most bushings the part has to be removed from the vehicle and the old bushing is pressed out and the new one is pressed in.
Look in your owner's manual or on the placard under the hood. It is listed there. Any parts store can also provide this info, if the placard is missing.
The bolt pattern of all Caprice 1991-1996 is 5X127.0mm 12mmX1.5mm More info at link
'the classic guitars' is a bit to general to answer.. try again
What Chevy Classic? Way more info needed to answer this.
Info-ZIP was created on 1989-03-03.
Need a little more info, like what year would be helpful. Then we can get into what to do for timing.
Some animals on the Whitney Classic are Coyotes, Gophers, and Mountain Goats!! Google them for pictures and info.! Good Luck!!
really, need more info, ext cab/reg cab/long/short box. honestally. but for the sake of argument, it's about 6,000 GVW
clockwise ...or counterclockwise... check with a timing light and then turn... also everyone should have a manual for their vehicle, and the local library should have a SHOP manual available in the reference section--make copies of the right info and read'll be a pro in no time ...good luck:)