The first and greatest hit on the value of a car is the first time it is started at a new car dealership. The value drops as you drive home about $3,000 USD.
The second big hit comes at the start of year three, or 30,000 miles.
This can also happen if the car has damage. The car becomes worth much less no matter how well it is repaired.
After these conditions have passed cars tend to become fairly stable. If you want to have minimal loss of money, NEVER purchase a new car! Get one that is a few years old and has over 30K miles. New cars easily hit 300K today with little maintenance.
in which year does a car lose the most of its value \
Yes, a new car immediately loses value as soon you drive it off the showroom floor. In the first year that you own a new car it will lose up to 20 percent of its value, and by the fifth year of ownership, it will be depreciated by over 65 percent. It's a horrible purchase to buy a new car.
"This can vary quite a bit depending on the make and model of the car. Considering average rated vehicles in most satisfaction categories, a good rule of thumb is that most new cars will lose 15-25% of their value in the first year. Over the course of a typical five year auto loan, most vehicles will lose 55-70% of their original sale price."
This depends on the make...some manufacturers hold their value more than others. A fact, however, is that a new car suffers its greatest drop in value the minute it's driven off the lot. Why? It's not "new" anymore.
Many have suggested that once a car has been driven off the dealership's lot, it loses 15-20% of its value. During the second year, it loses another 15-20% of the remaining value. Keep in mind that the car does not lose 15-20% of the total value during the second year, but rather off the remaining value.
average miles on a vehicle is 12000 to 15000 a year. so a car three years old would lose value after 45000 miles - would gain value at anything under 36000 miles. is the most acurate car value website
The rear tires of your car
There are many things that determine the value of the car. The most important thing is the make and model of the car and what year it was released. Other factors include what add ons you have had installed on the car, such as rims and stereo equipment.
Mainly financial. A car will lose a lot of value basically as soon as it leaves the dealer's lot.
You can possible find your car's value online by searching for the same model and year of the car and reviewing what other sellers are asking for the car.
The most common cause for a car to lose power and then cut out is a bad fuel pump. The fuel pump will steadily get worse and eventually the car will not start.