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A lonely orange

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Q: If you have 3 oranges and you take 2 away how many do you have?
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If there are five oranges at the store and you take away three how many oranges do you have?

2 oranges. 5-3=2

If you have 3 oranges and you take 2 away how many would you have?

2 oranges

5 oranges at the store you take away three how many left?

If you take away 3 from 5 your left with 2.

If you have three oranges and you take away 2 how many will you have?

two. the person took TWO

How many bananas do you have if There are 4 apples 3 bananas and 2 oranges on the table you take one apple and banana and all of the oranges?

2 bananas. you also have 3 apples

If there are 3 appels and you take away 2 how many do you have?


If there are 3 apples and you take 2 away how many do you have?


There are 3 apples and you take away 2 how many do you have left?

1 -- or -- If you leave when you take away 2, then you have 2 - someone else has 1.

F there are 3 apples and you take away 2 how many do you have?


How many oranges in one crate?

What do you mean, how many oranges in the box? What box? The oranges are: Team fortress 2, Portal, and Half-Life 2 Episodes 1 2 and 3 I think

Joe bought a bag of oranges on Monday and ate a third of them On Tuesday he ate half of the remaining oranges On Wednesday he looked in the bag to find he only had two oranges left How many oranges we?

He had 6 oranges to start with, and ate 2 the first day and 2 the second day.

'How many bananas do you have if there are 4 apples 3 bananas and 2 oranges on the table you take one apple and banana and all of the oranges?

If there were three bananas, and you've taken one banana, then there are two bananas left.