It is either getting no fuel or no spark.
if u dont have platinum it wont work
check for cats
see if it will turn over if there is no grinding noise then u need a new starter
It maybe the wrong computer. It may not match the vehicle need info.
hi you need to cheak the starter tab on the starter and try just tab on the startar a littel not to hard
battery may be dying and altenater may be going out
Well i might get this wrong but it was a freeway wasn't it? So she wont be pulled over..? TRUE
Do a fuel pressure check. I had the same problem and it was my fuel pump.
Honda civic Lx 2000 wont start it was idling really low it just turn off on me now it wont start it cranks over like wants to start but nothing
it is broken
Ask her what's wrong over and over again. Act concerned, and do the little things in life that will make her happy (small persents, ect.) Most likely she'll snap out of it. Or you never know, it may just be PMS.