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It all may depend on how many licensed drivers are in your household.

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Q: If I have 3 cars in a policy will removing 1 car decrease or increase my policy?
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What factors are causing the decrease in the supply of used cars?

(i) As cars have very elastic demand, this means that if price falls then automatically demand for cars will rise. And, if prise rises, demand for cars will fall. (ii) If income rises, then demand for the product will rise as consumers' purchasing power will increase. (iii) It also depends on fashion altogether with the taste of the product. Fashion will influence demand of cars. (brands, etc) (iv) Government policies affect demand for cars, taxes and subsidies will either increase/decrease demand. (v) Hire purchase facilities will increase demand for cars as it will facilitate customers when paying for the good. I would add one more very crucial factor that influences the demand for cars is the current price of petrol/diesel and the respective mileage offered by the model.

Do you increase or decrease your following distance when you're following a motorcycle?

You should increase your following distance when following a motorcycle. Motorcycles can stop more quickly than cars, so giving them extra space allows you more time to react in case of sudden stops or an emergency.

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