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unplug sensor at the bottom of your filltank if light goes out replace it Generally engine coolant (antifreeze) should be at about a 50/50 water cooloant mix/.

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Q: I put water besides engine coolant in my achieva 95 is there any problem because the light in the dash didnt turn off?
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You just put engine coolant on your 1995 Oldsmobile achieva and the engine coolant light wont turn off?

The coolant level switch on a 95 Achieva has a sticking problem. If you tap the coolant tank near the sensor the light will go out

Is it safe to drive with wrong coolant?

If only adding coolant to a leaking system it is safe because soon you will be forced to drain the coolant and fix a problem

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Yes, but you will have no heat. Your heater core is leaking and needs replacing.

Why is your low coolant and service engine soon light on?

Low coolant would be because the coolant is low or the sensor has failed, Check engine light would be because the computer has detected a problem and set a code.

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Just because there is a leak doesn't mean it will overheat instantly, but if you do not keep adding coolant or fix the leak you will have engine problem

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I have used radiator stop leak before in my 1996 Olds Achieva SC with the V6. I put it directly into the coolant resovor. It went in fine for me. This did not give me much help though. I would not recommend using stop leak. It will clog your heater core and then you will have more than the radiator as your problem. Fine a new radiator and replace it that is the best advidce i can give you.

What kind of engine coolant should you use for a 2003 s-type jaguar?

Dextacool (orange) coolant by Prestone. DO NOT MIX with green coolant because you will have a major problem on your hand concerning the engine and cooling system. Thxs

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What other symptoms besides leaking antifreeze? Where do you see the anti-freeze leaking?

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You should not need to bleed coolant. Ever. If the coolant is filling up on its own the stuff in there is not coolant and you have a big problem.

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check coolant sensor float most common problem.

Is there something loose with a fan blower on a 1994 Olds Achieva if sometimes it works and sometimes it does not and at times when it does not if it hits a bump in the road it blows again?

The blower motor is worn out. My 95 Achieva had the exact same problem and I had the motor replaced. It cost $168.00. $70.00 for the motor and the rest was labor. I had the same problem in my 92 Achieva S. I agree, the blower motor is going bad. I bought a rebuilt one for $30.00 and installed it myself. It is easy to do.

Why did Selena cut her hair?

Because she wanted to. Any one got a problem. Besides I think she looks pretty. your fan