The 2007 Dodge Durango is 6 ft. 4 in. (76 in.)1 one-touch power windows wide.
The 2007 Dodge Durango has a V6 engine.
The 2007 Dodge Durango has 12 valves.
The 2007 Dodge Durango is a gas-powered vehicle.
The 2007 Dodge Durango has a 4-speed automatic.
The gross weight of the 2007 Dodge Durango is 6399 lbs..
The 2007 Dodge Durango is 16 ft. 8.8 in. (200.8 in.) long.
The curb weight of the 2007 Dodge Durango is 4619 lbs..
The height of the 2007 Dodge Durango is 6 ft. 2.3 in. (74.3 in.).
The 2007 Dodge Durango has single overhead cam (SOHC).
The 2007 Dodge Durango has a 26.8 degrees angle of approach.
The 2007 Dodge Durango has a 29.9 degrees angle of departure.
The 2007 Dodge Durango has a drag coefficient of 0.39 Cd.